The Great Experiment, Day 10 (night)

Monday, June 10 (night) - Day 10 of The Great Experiment, June 1-10, 2019


Hi. Matt Bennett here. For the last video of The Great Experiment I'm going to read this verse in Acts chapter 9, verse 31. "So the church throughout all Judea and Galilee and Samaria had peace and was being built up. And walking in the fear of the Lord and in the comfort of the Holy Spirit, it multiplied." Now I read this verse because this is what we're wanting to see for the United States of America.

I'm so grateful for the thousands who joined with us, with me, to seek the Lord in a special deep way during these ten days of The Great Experiment. I pray that your life was blessed. We always get these testimonies afterwards of people whose lives were blessed and changed. We'll share some of these on the website, the website.

This is really key as I continually reflect on the 12 days I spent with about 13 of us with Christian Union in the Fiji Islands ... I shared in my other videos some of the amazing phenomenological miracles that happened in these villages. This group called the Healing The Land Team, a Fijian team of Christians, have gone over the last 15 years to about 110 villages, and through this process, at the end of it they have all these miracles. These communities that depend on the sea and the land, the increase just multiplies. Yams grow to twice their length than they were before even though it's the same seeds and the same land.

Coral reefs where all the fish are that had died come back to life, and there's crab and fish that they sell. This is what they get their livelihood from, and even the miracles that they describe of just extraordinary moves of God. Of course a lot of people coming to faith, and crime dropping, just all these things happening. What stood out to me in this is that this intense process of people turning back to the Lord, which I've touched on before, but to go through this process the village Christians gather together for two weeks, and two hours, three hours every night they pray.

Then the second two weeks is when it really gets intense. These Healing The Land people come, and again, other Fijians, and from 6:00AM until 8:30PM at night they press into the Lord. The people aren't working. They're there with prayer meetings and teaching for hours, taking time to repent and they'll have a few breaks in there for meals. They worship, and they do this for two weeks straight. The second week of the second two week process is focused more on going into people's homes and reconciling and repenting, when there's more teaching and prayer and that sort of thing.

It's at the end of this in total four week process that all these miracles would have happened, and the whole village turns back to the Lord. It's just amazing, and so that makes me think, what will happen in our communities if at least for that two week and second intense period of seeking the Lord from 6AM in the morning until 8:30PM at night? If we did that, and repenting and seeking the Lord and praying and fasting, and I think I've mentioned too the Healing The Land Team would be praying all night during those second two weeks as well.

What would happen in our communities here in the United States? I plan to find out. I want the Lord to do here in this country what He's done in so many nations around the world and not just there, and in Africa and Fiji, but Africa and South America, Asia and different places like that. We need a breakthrough. Thank you for being on this journey with me. May the Lord give us grace as we seek ways to seek Him. We need to set aside the time. We need to focus on Him and hear Him and what's important to Him and see Him do great things.

I believe more than ever that we will see this in the United States. Again, as it says in this passage here, it says, "The church had peace and was being built up, and walking in the fear of the Lord and in the comfort of the Holy Spirit it multiplied." May that be the case for the United States. So the Lord bless you and strengthen you. Thank you again for being a part of this. God bless.


Here is this evening's guide for the “Five Rs” of The Great Experiment, June 1-10, 2019.

1. Read and Pray

1 Timothy 2:1-4 – First of all, then, I urge that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be made for all people, for kings and all who are in high positions, that we may lead a peaceful and quiet life, godly and dignified in every way. This is good, and it is pleasing in the sight of God our Savior, who desires all people to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth.

Read 1 Timothy 2:1-7 for more context.

This evening's Prayer Points

  • Pray for our nation. Pray for our leaders at every level (national, state, and local), in all branches, of all political parties. Ask God to give them wisdom and salvation in Jesus Christ.
  • Pray for the Church in America to walk a consistently godly and dignified life.
  • Thank God for this Great Experiment and ask Him to send His Spirit in greater power to Christians all across this land.

2. Repent.
What sins do I need to repent of today? What hindrances to my devotion to Christ can I remove today?

3. Respond to the Holy Spirit.
Holy Spirit, what is the one thing you most want me to do today? (Write it down, and do it today).

4. Represent Christ. 
How will I bear witness to Christ today? With whom shall I share the Gospel today?

5. Raise Your Faith.
Be bold and courageous in living out your faith (Joshua 1:8,9). Choose from one of the following options for a “Joshua Faith Challenge”:

  1. Host an all-night prayer meeting. Set a date during June 1-10 and invite friends to come and pray with you for revival in America.
  2. Every day, pray for ten friends and family members to come to faith in Christ and look for opportunities to share the gospel with them.
  3. Share an evangelistic post on social media every day from June 1-10.
  4. Anything else the Lord burdens you to take on that will require courageous faith.

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