40 Days of Prayer, Fasting, and Repentance:
Meeting the Threat of the Coronavirus

Wed, Mar 18 -  Sun, Apr 26, 2020

It's not too late to join fellow Christians across America in a 40-day initiative of prayer, fasting and repentance. Participants will follow the example of men and women of Scripture who humbled themselves and sought the Lord through fasting. Our country needs the spiritual renewal that only God can bring. May He hear our cry and answer! The potential health and economic impact of the coronavirus is not fully known yet, but could be devastating. We desire that God has mercy.

In times of crises, God desires that His people examine themselves and repent of everything displeasing to Him. We are to repent on behalf of ourselves and American Christianity which is largely self-indulgent and does not seek the Lord in holiness or wholehearted devotion. First-century Christians prayed and read the Scriptures every morning and evening, and fasted twice a week. Meanwhile, American Christians spend little energy seeking God and the church is therefore largely powerless. Most Christians don’t give at least ten percent of their income even though we are the richest country in the history of the world, and we pollute ourselves through movies and our own engagement with sexual immorality. 

Participants will seek God through the Biblical practice of fasting, prayer and repentance. You may choose to fast from all foods for the entire 40 days—drinking only liquids—or you may choose to fast by eating only one or two meals each day. For some, health limitations will require a different type of fast (see fasting resources). However God leads you, we desire to have you be a part, and God will reward you.

Please sign up below to participate. As a participant, you will receive a special devotional by email each morning of the fast offering encouragement as you devote yourself to the Lord in humility and repentance.

May God draw near and bring healing, comfort, and protection to our nation as we seek Him through prayer, fasting and repentance.

Join the Fast

Devotional: "God Remembers and He Rewards"

Thank you for participating in this 21-day fast with a special emphasis on the need for peace from the Prince of Peace, Jesus Christ.  We need peace in our souls, in the United States and worldwide including the Middle East, Ukraine and Russia.  

The last devotion of this fast is from the book of Daniel:

Daniel 12:3 - And those who are wise shall shine like the brightness of the sky above; and those who turn many to righteousness, like the stars forever and ever.

In the last chapter of the extraordinary book of Daniel, in a single verse, truths emerge which bring great comfort and wonder.  Much of the book deals with contemporary struggles among kings and powerful actors, and also deals with powerful spiritual forces contending for supremacy and vindication through the ages.  Much can be learned from the study of the book, especially regarding the sovereignty of God, and His inexorable plans for the ages.  

In the midst of this, the author desires the reader to remember something important, and to reflect on that something.  This matters for our own understanding, as well as our perseverance in the purposes of God.  God Himself acknowledges that not all people are the same, and that there is a subset of people that He greatly honors.  These people He considers “wise” or “discerning.”  They are devoted to God personally, and they also labor to “turn many to righteousness.”  They encourage, teach, labor, and in the case of all who have joined this 21-day fast, they pray and fast for God’s purposes to help lead others to righteousness.  God notices and delights when persons made in His image do what’s pleasing in His sight.  He called Daniel a man “highly esteemed” and likewise esteems others who choose to be “wise” and “discerning” by walking in righteousness and steadfast faithfulness to His rules, statues and commandments.  What I am trying to say is that God notices your labor and dedication to Him, including your participating in this 21 day period of fasting and prayer for PEACE.  Peace in the souls of men and women as they are reconciled to Him and peace on earth whether among the slavs, or occupants of the Levant.  

In this verse he says, like celestial beings, or like heavenly bodies, it shall be the case that you shall shine in the heavens forever and ever.  Stars are specifically mentioned because they persist indefinitely, and shine brightly against a dark sky.  God is saying that He notices and cares about every act of devotion and self-sacrifice for his purposes and shall reward you with “everlasting life,” and it shall be bright and noticeable to all.  Your work of turning many to righteousness is much appreciated by Him, and He does not forget you!  

Dear Father, how beautiful, wonderful and sovereign you are!  Thank you for salvation through Jesus Christ, and allowing us to labor along with Him for the advancement of your kingdom!  Thank you that you remember, and that you shall have us shine like stars forever.  We love and are grateful to you.  Amen.  

Thank you to the more than 9,000 who participated in this fast!  We shall send to you testimonies of what God has done in the coming days.  Thank you for being part of this journey with Christian Union America to see America return to God wholeheartedly and seek Him for great change to the nation.  

Yours in Christ,
Matt Bennett, Founder and President, Christian Union

375 People Fasting

Make an enormous spiritual difference in 2021! Sign up to participate and invite friends and family to join you!

How to fast? Each participant will choose what kind of fast to do, whether liquid only or eating one meal per day, but this is a time of abstinence from food, not refraining from something other than food, like TV, social media, etc. Ask God how you should fast, and please consult your doctor if you have any questions or concerns about fasting. Fasting is primarily a means of humbling our hearts to seek after God. Check out these resources, especially if fasting is new to you: What You’ve Always Wondered about Fasting and Modern Resources on Fasting.

Sign up now to participate and invite friends and family to join you!

How will your life, your loved ones, and our country be different if we all seriously repent and return to God?

Fasting Resources

Check out these resources, especially if fasting is new to you: What You’ve Always Wondered about Fasting and Modern Resources on Fasting.

God's Next Move in America

America’s Christian heritage is among the greatest of all the nations in the world. God’s Kingdom has thrived here through the 1700s, 1800s, and 1900s, largely due to nationwide moves of God’s Spirit. We need another history-making move of God. By His sovereign grace, God ensures that we play a part in Heaven’s work. He draws near to us when we draw near to Him (James 4:8). We must ask, seek, and knock for an outpouring of His Spirit (Luke 11:5-13).

“Whenever God is about to do something truly great,
He first sets His people praying!” Matthew Henry, 1662-1714

Before you go, would you like to spend more time seeking God?

It’s hard to carve out time to sit in God’s presence and learn what He wants to teach us when we are daily bombarded by distraction. That’s why we’ve equipped thousands of Christians like you to seek God and pray for revival to come to our hearts and nation. This free 5-lesson course has 25 daily readings that will rekindle your prayer life.

You’ve demonstrated such a heart for revival, we thought you’d want to know about this opportunity.

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