Day 20 – Beautiful Feet for 2021
How beautiful upon the mountains
are the feet of him who brings good news,
who publishes peace, who brings good news of happiness,
who publishes salvation,
who says to Zion, “Your God reigns.”
– Isaiah 52:7
As we bring our 21 Days of Prayer and Fasting for 2021 to an end tomorrow, January 24, our minds go to the remaining 341 days of this calendar year, Lord willing. We want what we’ve done these three weeks to impact and shape the future. Isaiah 52:7 gives us a vision of becoming a person who brings joy, peace, and God’s grace and power to others.
The metaphor of beautiful feet on the mountains sounds strange to our ears but would have painted a thousand words in Isaiah’s time. Jerusalem is a city surrounded by mountains, and atop various positions on the city wall stood watchmen who constantly surveyed the mountain peaks, keeping watch on those approaching the city, whether they may be enemy combatants or messengers bringing good news of battle victory. Isaiah envisions the latter.
Imagine that you are a citizen of ancient Jerusalem. The anointed king and the entire army of fathers, husbands, sons, and brothers have gone away to fight a war. The whole city has been praying for success and eagerly waits to hear the outcome of the conflict. Suddenly one of the watchmen spies a messenger running to the city. He can immediately tell that this messenger is bringing news of victory! The watchman’s eyes light up, his heart leaps within him, and he quickly informs his superior. Word spreads throughout the city as the messenger arrives to announce “Victory is ours! Hallelujah!” The entire city breathes a huge sigh of relief and promptly makes plans for a great celebration and thanksgiving to God.
Each one of us can bring that same kind of relief and joy to others as we take on the identity of a messenger of God’s victory, bearing the good news that “God reigns!” This victory of God was accomplished 2,000 years ago when Jesus defeated our greatest enemies – Satan, sin, death, and hell – through His life, death, and resurrection. Paul in Romans 10:15 quotes Isaiah 52:7 and applies it to us as Christians when we speak the gospel to the lost (Romans 10:15). But being a messenger of good news is not only about evangelism; it’s also about our need to preach the gospel to ourselves and to one another as believers. We can always view ourselves as messengers of God’s victory as we encourage others with the truth of God's supremacy.
The good news that God reigns applies to us every day. When we are discouraged or anxious, we have forgotten that God really does reign. When circumstances don’t improve, we can recall the victory of God that causes everything to work together for our good. We all have moments when we’re down, and we all need to see beautiful feet heading our direction.
If we want to be a carrier of God’s victory, we will need wisdom, courage, and personal renewal. We will need wisdom because the way that we announce “God reigns!” may look differently in each situation. To those who are hurting, it may mean that we demonstrate God’s victory by weeping with them in the love of Christ. We will need courage because others may not initially want to hear our message. We will need personal renewal because we are all subject to discouragement and doubt without the daily reviving of our hearts by God’s Spirit and word. We don’t want to announce “God reigns” in a superficial way, but instead like one who saw the battle ourselves and relive His amazing grace and power all over again as we relate the work of God for all who believe the good news.
Father, You reign! Help me to be unafraid to tell everyone that truth. And help me to live in Your victory every day. Help me to see myself as Your messenger, even though I feel unequipped and nervous. Let the Holy Spirit give me the strength and love to announce Your good news in every opportunity I have. We love You. In Jesus’ name let it be done, amen.
Chuck Hetzler, PhD
Director, Christian Union Day and Night
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