We praise God for a terrific weekend of drawing near to Him and for so many fantastic testimonies from the October 14-15, 2022, CU Fire Retreat! May the knowledge of Him cover the earth as the waters cover the sea. You can read several of those testimonies below.
The next CU Fire Retreat is scheduled for January 27-28, 2023, and we would love to have you join us to seek His presence continually! Registration will open about two months before the retreat. Let’s be praying for a growing movement of American Christians seeking God wholeheartedly! Future retreat dates include April 21-22, 2023 and July 21-22, 2023.

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Get my free courseThis was my first CU Fire Retreat. It's hard to put into words what I experienced this weekend. I have been challenged to examine my walk with the Lord, to address areas where I am not walking in obedience. With regard to revival, I have a better understanding as to what is required of us collectively and myself individually. This is a new beginning for me. I don't think I will ever be the same again. The teachings were the most memorable part for me but our small group discussions and prayer times were also wonderful.
What an amazing experience . I was sure I wanted to be a part of the CU Fire Retreat , I was not sure what to expect being a first time Host . CU did an amazing job with preparing for the event. The amount of prayer and fasting that went into this event was amazing . CU is infiltrated with an anointed staff. The event was well prepared , organized and followed a specific order of operations . What was truly amazing and inspiring were the prayers going into this past weekend. Every night, hearts poured out before the Lord, cries for this country, the participants, and the organizers. I learned how to take Intercessory prayer to a new level. Speaking for my group, it was an amazing group of hearts coming to seek the Lord. My expectation was to feel his presence and spend time in fellowship, God’s plan was so much more. Our praise and worship with pure hearts seeking Him not only ushered in his presence, it sustained Him to remain in every moment, in every little detail. Cannot put into words what an amazing weekend with the presence of the Lord. Thank you CU for bringing your mission into the community that fosters spiritual rejuvenation and draws hearts closer to our Lord .
The retreat exceeded my expectations. It was awesome. The group discussion of the chapter selected to read, the workshop led by a beautiful angelical singer, the group prayers for each others, the praising and honoring our Lord and Savior throughout the retreat was a joyful and extraordinary experience. It was a privilege to be part of this group of God's daughters at CU Fire Retreat.
I came to CU Fire retreat in a period of spiritual dryness… but I came away with practical ways to help seek the Lord. I think the parts about obedience and repentance were the most memorable and repeated in scripture time and in the teachings. I was fearful that God had completely left me before coming to CU Fire. Now I have hope and will continue to seek Him and practice walking in obedience for God to revive me.
After each retreat, I will never be the same person again. My faith is renewed and I will be a stronger person resisting the temptation.
I love being able to set aside some time to worship and pray with friends. It’s a true refreshment in a busy life.
It was extremely restful. My fire for the Lord is definitely burning brighter.
A renewed fire has been lit in me by the Spirit!
God Bless you.. This is awesome!!! I love my group!
I loved it, and this year was just as impactful as the last retreat. What a special special time of learning and engaging with God in various ways through community.
Group Prayer time, teachings, and revival video were incredibly impactful.
Our prayer time together was so impactful. The lord came in power to encourage, heal, and bring so much joy into our little group. Also the Bible reading was powerful. So humbled. He is so beautiful. So faithful. So near!!!!
It was amazing! Thank you so much for having it! It contributed to the positive development of my spiritual journey and I’m so encouraged.
I’ve been challenged, encouraged and enriched through CU Fire and through each person’s contribution within our group! Let’s go, show, and tell what the Lord has done!! Revelation 12:10-11
Overall the retreat was very impactful. The long Bible reading time and subsequent discussion was really powerful. I felt very full of the spirit after spending that much time in the word.
Overall an excellent experience!
This was a great reset to get my focus and heart fixed on the Lord.
I wouldn't be able to pick a favorite part. Every portion contributed to the amazing experience.
It is a great catalyst to going deeper spiritually!
Eager and looking forward to what God will do and reveal. Can't help but feel His presence, so anxious to witness what's next!
The retreat rekindled my felt need to commune intentionally with my brothers and sisters and make space for the Lord to SHOW UP and refresh.
CU Fire Retreat has helped me increase my prayer time.
I thought the retreat was great. I learned a lot about repentance and transformation.
The emphasis around prayer, fasting & repentance was really good for me.
I feel empowered to return to obedience and live a life of seeking God and His presence all the time.
I loved the idea of reading a large portion of scripture looking for a specific theme. It gave purpose to my reading and I felt like I learned a lot. I also have a much bigger vision for prayer than I did before. I wanted that, so I'm grateful.
Everything was so powerful! Especially the messages!
It was very impactful for me. It brought me to a new place of repentance and that freedom in relationship and submission to Jesus.
It was great to really spend time together to pray and push through the prayers while we were so hungry. Definitely benefited from the messages and Bible reading on the topic of obedience. Definitely areas of my life to surrender to God and be obedient in.
The most memorable part of this retreat was hearing several talks on the importance of obedience. This was impactful because this is not something I that has been clearly communicated in the church setting and it was a refreshing awaking into the realities of what it means to lead a complete Christian life.
I am personally changed.
The weekend was a success. The small group sessions was most memorable for me. The Spirit’s presence was palpable.
Really enjoyed it- I actually wish we had MORE prayer time!!!
I learned a lot about walking in humble obedience and will seek to better apply that to my life.
I loved it! … The most impactful moment was learning the difference between keeping God’s commands and legalism.
I really appreciate the time that we had to pray together during CU Fire.
I was reminded that I should put God first and make him my priority in everything.
I really appreciated the time of communal worship and prayer. I really felt God speaking to through us.
It was very impactful.
I am glad I attended. I find these events (this is my 2nd) help me deepen my commitments, and I find the videos about revival to be very encouraging and faith-building.
Thanks for putting on this event! I pray the Lord uses it to spark fires of revival in America!
It was a powerful time!
I would highly recommend this to others and will most likely do one again in the future.
This time with the God was very much needed for me. I was deeply moved at times and encouraged in many ways. The most memorable parts were the times of prayer and the individual testimonies.
A convicting and transformative experience.
Dedicating my weekend to CU fire rejuvenates my desire to seek Christ in my day-to-day and helped me build strong fellowship with other young Christian professionals in the city.
The teachings were excellent; I am grateful for the encouragement to move more deeply into God's Word and to partake in blessed fellowship.
The group prayer times were very meaningful.
Very impactful, reignited for revival.
The Bible reading and small group times were very meaningful.
My faith was strengthened and my energy renewed. The times in prayer with friends was the most impactful for me.
I enjoyed it and am leaving encouraged!
It surprised me how much personal conviction I felt...I came expecting to pray and didn't realize how much repentance I was needing. 😀 Good job, God! And thanks for the initiative, CU... It was very helpful!
It was good to be able to join in unity with others online and encouraging to hear of recent revival stories. It gives hope for what the Lord may do in the USA.
The group prayer and discussion really allowed me to cleanse and refocus.
My friendships are going to be greater and closer.
It was fantastic. I feel restored and encouraged. I liked every aspect...Group prayer time was very impactful and it was fun to process all of the messages together.
The Fire Retreat strengthened my faith.
This was a moving experience, the program, the preparation of our Host, the speakers and the presence of the Holy Spirit in the participants was both loving and enlightening.
I was impacted in so many ways, so it is really difficult to mention just one. Prayer time was powerful and moving! Time in the Word and discussion was so meaningful. All of the messages spoke to me.
The whole retreat was great. Scripture was opened up and explained on our need for and how to earnestly seek the Lord. Scripture backing up and clarifying scripture was fantastic. The Holy Spirit revealed numerous opportunities for maturing in my faith.
This Retreat was an amazing help for me in deepening my faith and deepening my Christian relationships with my family and fellow worshippers.
I’ve never fasted before and God spoke to me, so I was blown away.
Got closer with my friends and was able to spend a lot of time praying over each other and our church! My desire to serve has grown and my desire to show others this amazing love of Jesus that brought us together has grown!
Thank you so much for inviting me to host! This was a wonderful experience.
Definitely strengthened my faith.
This definitely helped my faith. Being with other believers in person, praying together and learning together was impactful.
The retreat was was so, so, so, so helpful. We all shared how much we’ve been wanting to take the time to fast and pray about so many different things. The teachings really dug the foundational principles of God deeper into our hearts. Especially about obedience. We had a beautiful time of confession after that.
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