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Get my free courseChuck Hetzler, Ph.D., has a diverse background as a biblical scholar, worship leader, and pastor. He served as Christian Union’s first Teaching Fellow at Princeton University and later directed its ministry in New York City. Chuck earned his Ph.D. in New Testament from The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary and currently pastors Bethesda Grace Church in Manhattan.
"Do the work of an evangelist," Paul told Timothy in 2 Timothy 4:5. "Evangelist"—that's not a word that you hear much anymore these days. I remember maybe a few decades ago, and some before my time, that evangelists were quite popular in American Christianity. These were itinerant ministers who would travel around to different towns and preach in churches or outdoor meetings, and they would see people come to Christ for the very first time. Why is it that evangelists have fallen by the wayside in America? Is it because we don't see people responding to the message? Maybe so, but should that keep us from doing the work of an evangelist? As Paul was writing to Timothy, reminding him to be the one who would sow the gospel seed among those who had not yet believed, he said, "That we need to be ready to preach the word in season and out of season. For a season would come and is coming when people will not endure sound teaching, but having itching ears, they will accumulate for themselves teachers to suit their own passions."
Isn't that the case today? People don't want to hear the message of Jesus Christ. "Let's move on. Let's talk about something else..." But for us as Christians, it's still the season to sow, for the Bible tells us that in season and out of season, we need to share the word of Christ. We don't sow based on what season it's in, we sow because it's a message for all time, for all places, and for all people. And God even warned us here that times would come...There would be periods of time where in general, the people that you're around, they don't want to hear and they don't respond. But don't let that silence you. Don't let that keep you from going out and continuing to do the work of an evangelist. So let's do it. Christians in America, let's be evangelistic. Let's go out and seek to win people for Christ. God bless you as you go and be filled with the power of the Holy Spirit to be a witness to Jesus Christ.
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