Sharing the Gospel can be a challenge. Here are some Frequently Asked Questions that can strengthen your commitment to speak up for Christ.

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Get my free courseHow can I participate in Evangelism Month?
Day and Night provides 3-5 minute training videos for the first two weeks of May. These videos will motivate you and equip you to share your faith. You will then make a faith commitment to share the Gospel with a certain number of people. That decision is completely up to you and God. You can take advantage of a number of resources provided by Day and Night for ways to spread the word, from online resources to in-person opportunities. Be sure to sign-up here to take part.
What if I’ve never shared my faith?
Day and Night will provide easy-to-use resources for sharing the Gospel even if you’re not used to telling others about Jesus. We will provide online resources like videos or web pages that you can send to a friend by email or social media.
You will also learn how to share your faith by watching Day and Night’s daily devotional videos for the first two weeks of May 2017. These videos will give you courage and ideas for how you can tell someone else about Christ.
Is it normal to be scared?
For most Christians, it is normal to be scared to talk openly about Jesus. Fear is natural, which is why Jesus told us not to fear (Matthew 10:26-31). He also gave us the Holy Spirit so that we would have supernatural courage to tell others about God’s Son (Acts 1:8).
What if they don’t receive Christ?
We are not responsible for bringing others to faith in Christ. That is their decision. We are only responsible for giving others the opportunity to hear and respond to the Gospel of Christ. Some studies show that on average people will hear the Gospel seven times before they decide to believe. Even if your friend doesn’t accept the Gospel at the time you share it with him/her, you have still helped that person think about Christ and you have obeyed God’s call on your life.
Why share my faith?
We must speak the gospel in order for non-Christians to be saved (Romans 10:14). Sharing the Gospel is not for clergy alone. Each one of us is called to be a witness to Jesus Christ. God has put people around you that need to hear about Jesus, and you are God’s plan for them to hear. Sharing our faith also proves the legitimacy of our beliefs. If we are ashamed to confess Jesus before others, He said that He too will be ashamed to confess us before the Father (Mark 8:38).
What do I do next if they receive Christ?
Stay connected with them in personal discipleship if possible. Be sure to set them up with a good community of believers in a church and small group ministry. Check to see if they have a modern Bible. If not, help them order one. You can also help them get some basic Bible study tools and even basic Christian books that will help them to learn more about the Bible, prayer, sharing their faith, and so on.
How do I evangelize my friends and family without pushing them away?
Peter reminded the believers to share the faith with gentleness and respect (1 Peter 3:16). We are passionate and excited about knowing Jesus Christ, but be patient with others who aren’t. Think carefully about the person to whom you’re talking. What questions do they have? What do they still need to consider? How have they been “let down by God” in the past? Ask the Spirit to lead you as you initiate conversations with them. Don’t rush them on your own timetable. Above all, love them.
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