Lynnie asks:
I still use the prayer guide that you sent me in the spring of 2017. One of the things I focus on is our education system and the Holy Spirit bringing transformation to our campuses. Could you share with me ways that I can hone in and pray more effectively for our youth who are being bombarded with so many lies from the enemy?
We replied:
I’m glad to hear how you’re interceding for God’s purposes in our nation. With regards to the education system, here are some areas you could pray for:
- Christian students to stand strong in their convictions and not give in to peer pressure or pressure from professors to believe things contrary to the Bible
- Christian students to be bold in sharing their faith and the reasons why they believe
- Christian students to stay pure in their conduct
- Christian students to encourage each other and pray together often
- Christian ministries at schools - that they will vigorously disciple Christian students and that they will constantly evangelize non-Christians
- Administration and faculty - that they will not promote godless, destructive policies and teachers; that they will come to faith; that they will not be used by the enemy to do his will
God bless you!
Chuck Hetzler, PhD
Senior Associate, Christian Union Day and Night
Lead Pastor, Bethesda Grace Church
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