As part of The Great Experiment, March 1-10, 2019, Christians across America are asking God: "What bold and extraordinary challenge would You have me take on that will stretch my faith and align me with Your will this month?"
Read below to be inspired by some of the actual challenges people are taking on in March 2019, and share your Joshua Faith Challenge in the comments section below, that others may be inspired by it. Still haven't settled on a Joshua Faith Challenge yourself? Get some ideas here.
Joshua Faith Challenges for March 1-10, 2019:
During the ten days of the GE, I will preach the gospel in a NYC subway car (or subway station if it works out better). - Matt B.
At least once during the GE, I will gather a couple of friends and do some open air worship on Princeton’s main street (Nassau). We will offer to pray for people, and have a box of blessings and Bible verses in case they need to take their prayer “to go”. - Matt A.
During the first five days of the March Great Experiment, I will host a “One Question Series” for my neighbors/friends, and then a “Healing Room” (at my home) for the second five days. - Wolf W.
There is an elementary school within one block of my home. My wife and I will give treats and gospel literature every afternoon to parents who are parked outside waiting for their children - in an effort to open an opportunity to share the Gospel. - Doyle D.
During the ten days of the GE, I will take cookies, the Gospel of John, and a flyer about our church to each of my neighbors in my apartment building. As a pastor I will lead a special evangelistic service on Sunday, March 10. - Chuck H.
During the GE I will go out individually or with a small group to share the Gospel (and blankets) with the homeless on Vine St. in Center City. - Name withheld on request
The abortion giant. I am walking on March 4th to stop it. Please pray that we will be heard by the leaders of Maryland. - Cathy B.
My Joshua Faith Challenge is actually starting on February 28. It's Collegiate Day of Prayer, and God led me to invite others from my church to join me to pray for the local college down the street, Felician College. - Nancy P.
I will post an evangelistic story, verse, or other resource every day for ten days for all my friends on social media to see. Many, if not most, of my friends do not know the Lord, and doing this will help me break free of my fear of sharing my faith and possibly lead to conversations about God! - Name withheld on request
During the Great Experiment, I will share about my faith every time I am with a non-Christian family member. - Michael L.
Over the ten days (perhaps extending to two weeks if necessary), I will set appointments with the ten most influential NON-Christian students who come to our Sunday night investigative Bible study, and (by God’s grace) share the Gospel with each of them personally. - Name withheld
I will share my faith with three unbelievers I will see over the ten days of the GE - the barista at my local coffee shop, my bank teller, and my barber. - Geoff S.
There is a young woman in our community who has multiple medical conditions which have left her isolated and despairing. I will visit her at least twice during the Great Experiment and talk to her about matters of faith and pray, believing, for her healing. - Name withheld on request
During the Great Experiment, I will dedicate myself to spending quality time with my wife and children by memorizing our family life verse, Psalm 37:1-20 together as a family. - James F.
For the GE, I will strive to intentionally share my faith with the doctors and nurses I interact with each week. I also have three non or nominal Christian students I meet regularly with. I will commit to making a more bold, intentional challenge for them to know Jesus personally. - Name withheld on request
For the GE, my goal will be to develop a relationship (daily engagement) with the young man who stands at the corner begging every day in the hopes that at the end of the challenge, I will have the opportunity to invite him to a personal relationship with Jesus. - Name withheld on request
Joshua Faith Challenges from October 2018:
"I shall endeavour to share Christ with every taxi/Uber that I take during October." - Anonymous
"I will give two or three times the normal giving amount in October." - Tan P.
"God has put it on my heart to contact 50 people from my past who have blessed me, helped me or otherwise just need encouragement and recognition. He wants me to send them a gift or a written note!" - Matt B.
"People from our church and other Christian friends will be sharing the gospel and praying for people in Central Park, New York City. We will pray especially for healing and miracles for people, so that they would be convinced of the gospel." - Chuck H.
"Give gospel tracts to businesses and witness to workers along one main business street in my town." - Linda B.
"I’m going to read one book of the New Testament every day this month." - Parker S.
"I will be hosting a neighborhood women’s breakfast at my home to build relationships and start spiritual conversations. I will also be doing the Love Dare each day this month. I am sure it will grow me spiritually and enrich my marriage." - Anonymous
"I will be doing an all-night prayer vigil each week in October. I may extend it to the church as well and give others an opportunity to join me." - Gabe K.
"We are trying to start a prayer meeting in our neighborhood that could turn into a Bible study" - Bernard and Gail Y.
"Read through New Testament in one month" - Wendy L.
"My brother and I are going to hold nightly prayer vigils. I discern The Father wants to give me or us the ability to cast out demons in his name." - Keith K.
"At my club, there are nude pictures of a couple of women on a bulletin in the men’s locker room. God has put it on my heart to reach out to them to have this taken down." - Anonymous
"I will complete "The Love Dare." Each day in October, I will pray for my wife and carry out the dare for that day from the book The Love Dare, which is designed to strengthen marriages. - Whit H.
"I will choose a verse from my scripture reading each day and will find a way to share it that same day with someone that I meet." - Doyle D.
"A fellow Christian and I are volunteering to Love Inc., to deliver needed supplies (furniture, appliances etc.) to needy families in the area." - Jerry B.
"Prayer Vigil for ten consecutive days. Fasting water a minimum of 3 Days. Read the Bible in one year. Reading The Bondage Breaker by Neil Anderson" - Brandy
"I am considering a career change. During this month, my wife and I are fasting and praying." Jim R.
"I plan on sharing the gospel with as many people as possible and inviting them to my church Bible study which I co-lead. Also, I plan on trying different tactics to have people become interested in knowing Jesus." Darren C.
"I’m a home health nurse, so I see several patients daily. I will be uplifting god before my patients." - Pat B.
"An intense fast for three days." - Pamela J.
"Water-only fast on Tuesdays during October." - Darlene M.
"I will be using social media to ask others their prayer requests, using prayer to discern those that are hurting, to see the need and go to battle on their behalf, to be their strength, and hope to reach freedom in Christ." - Kendra C.
"For the Joshua challenge I am going to pray daily for and reach out to my youngest sister that I have almost no relationship with, also I am going to eat one less meal a day for October." - Barb W.
"I live near a neighborhood where there is a high level of poverty and crime. For my Joshua Faith Challenge, I plan to do a prayer walk and anoint the area." - Titilayo O.
"My Joshua faith challenge for the month of October is two fold: First, to diligently pray for my family for half an hour daily (I have a huge family) and to share my faith in Jesus with a new person each week (my neighbors and friends at my health club)! - Rachel B.
"Through various means, written word, letter writing and speaking I will share my faith journey with family, friends and my church with an emphasis on the reality of God shown through the different aspects of my walk of faith." - Doug D.
"I feel God has put it on my heart to be more submissive to my husband. This is a challenge for me because I was not raised in a household that exemplified this and my parents also divorced." - Klisha P.
"I live in a place where there are lots of beggars but I make up a lot of excuses as to why I shouldn't give to them. By faith I will choose to walk in obedience to the command "Give to the one who asks you, and do not turn away from the one who wants to borrow from you." (Matthew 5:42) and let the Lord take care of the rest." - Maya
"I'm going to make a donation to a ministry that has blessed me. I haven't had an income in four years as I build this start up. Living off savings is challenging. So I'm going to make a gift out of savings despite having no income." - Anonymous
"I commit to reading through the Bible in a year and making [that] a part of my daughter's homeschool curriculum." - Monica L.
"For my Joshua challenge, I will read the New Testament. It is something I have never done before." - Violet M.
"I am going to post something on social media everyday to encourage other believers to pray." - Cheryl B.
"Praying daily with my family ... also I plan to forgive a few people who wronged me." - Jessica R.
"Take drastic action against any lingering private sin that has remained in my life. Seek counseling, accountability, prayer, deliverance, etc. and undertake a short, intense fast (three days, water only) or a long fast with accountability." - Jessica K.
"My Joshua challenge will be to study inner healing with Christian Healing Ministries." - Reid W.
"I am giving up television and spending more time in prayer, Bible reading and reading other Christian books." - Laura K.
"I am setting aside one entire day each week to pray and fast specifically for spiritual revival in our country, and for the United States to be known once again as a strong Christian nation throughout the world." - Lori W.
"I will do intermediate fast 8 hour periods, 16 fast and pray, also 2 days a week 24 hour complete water fast, praying for the work of Christian Union Day and Night Ministry and how I can be a part, and that God please bring revival to me and to America." - Debra F.
"Read the New Testament in one month and give generously to a charity, in addition to praying and sharing the love of Jesus." - Marilyn
"This month I will "give to everyone who asks of me" whether it be a financial ministry ask, person in need, or in some other faith-stretching sacrificial way." - Matt J.
"I am committing 2 hours each weekday morning to enjoy the the Lord’s presence, worship Him, seek more of Him, soak in His word, and intercede for my family, church, city, and the nation. I am also including some fasting." - Karen H.
"God has asked me to ask individual family members if there is anything standing between us that needs to be repented of and forgiven. How have I wronged them and how can I make it right?" - Pamela H.
"Share my faith more directly with at least one patient each clinic. I have scripture on the walls in treatment rooms and do pray with patients when easy or invited but need the challenge to share with those that need it the most - the ones that aren’t asking for it." - Lee M.
"I will give double my giving and I will reach out to my sister who I have not spoken with in years." - Donna S.
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