Revivals in the International Church

March 02, 2017 revival

Christianity is spreading like wildfire all around the globe, while it’s only declined in the West. Hear what God is doing as the international...

Five Revivals that Shaped American History

February 28, 2017 videorevival

Our country has an amazing history of nationwide Christian movements, known as revivals.Learn about five revivals that shaped our nation spiritually, morally, and socially...

Revivals in the Bible

February 06, 2017 revivalbook

Can you name the sixteen revivals that the Bible records? Learn what causes God to move in powerful ways and what happens as a result.

The Theology of Revival Praying

February 06, 2017 prayerrevivalbook

Find out why we need to promote united and extraordinary prayer for spiritual renewal.

How to Use 15 Minutes to Pray for National Revival

February 06, 2017 prayerrevival

Focus your prayers to seek God for the greatest impact.

Before you go, would you like to spend more time seeking God?

It’s hard to carve out time to sit in God’s presence and learn what He wants to teach us when we are daily bombarded by distraction. That’s why we’ve equipped thousands of Christians like you to seek God and pray for revival to come to our hearts and nation. This free 5-lesson course has 25 daily readings that will rekindle your prayer life.

You’ve demonstrated such a heart for revival, we thought you’d want to know about this opportunity.

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