Gaining Momentum for Revival

Offer your fervent prayers for Momentum: Christian Union’s leadership meetings taking place Monday, January 3...

Impudent Prayer Is a Must

Some aspects of prayer are a mystery while others are straight forward. In Luke 11:8,...

Prayer for College Freshmen

August 27, 2021 prayerPrayer guide

This time of year is an opportune season to intercede for and minister to incoming...

Pray Any Price

As soon as I heard these words I sat down and wept and mourned for...

Repentance Takes Time

Now it happened in the month of Chislev . . .. . . As soon...

Repent America: Cornerstone Partner Prayer Event

Christian Union Day and Night invites all Christian Union Cornerstone Partners to a virtual prayer...

The Father's Greatest Gift

If you then, who are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children,...

Message for National Day of Prayer 2021

May 06, 2021 prayerRomans 12:12

This first Thursday in May is America’s National Day of Prayer. Thank God that our...

Mourning and Revival

Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted.— Matthew 5:4 Did you know...

Before you go, would you like to spend more time seeking God?

It’s hard to carve out time to sit in God’s presence and learn what He wants to teach us when we are daily bombarded by distraction. That’s why we’ve equipped thousands of Christians like you to seek God and pray for revival to come to our hearts and nation. This free 5-lesson course has 25 daily readings that will rekindle your prayer life.

You’ve demonstrated such a heart for revival, we thought you’d want to know about this opportunity.

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