Praise God for the following testimonies from the January 27-29, 2022 CU Fire! By God’s grace and the help of His people, these individuals received the unique ministry experience that CU Day and Night's CU Fire provides.
The next CU Fire is April 1-2, 2022 - Friday night and all-day Saturday. CU Fire is a one-of-a-kind event to strengthen your relationship with the Lord and deepen friendships with fellow believers. Pray about hosting your own CU Fire small group, and sign up at our website when you’re ready to host.
There was no one portion of highest impact. I would say that the total immersion in each portion (scripture reading, prayer, fellowship) made the experience incredible. It was amazing. The way I was able to meet with God and connect to others has broken some chains off of my heart!! The experience was invaluable. - NYC
If this was on a scale from 1-10, CU Fire definitely gets a 10 on all of the above! 🔥 I will be “unpacking” everything for quite some time. The Lord has given a great deal of clarity for direction in ministry through this fast/retreat!! So thankful!! - MO
I’ve gained a certain spiritual tool each time I’ve been to CU Fire. Over time, with nurturing, the tools are shifting the direction of my spiritual life. I especially loved the fellowship and the way our small group was able to bond so quickly and take on each other’s burdens. - NYC
Truly so thankful for this weekend. It was life changing. I’m not kidding. I feel like I have access to God in a way I didn’t know how to access before. - NYC
The retreat was such the refreshment that I needed! Jesus was very present with us all weekend and in the intercessory times leading up to the retreat! I am encouraged, in tune with the Spirit, and blessed by all the teaching and deep fellowship. God has met me afresh, visited closely, and renewed my zeal. - NYC
I feel revitalized and fed because of being with other Christians … I have needed replenishment. … Just gratitude and expectation for how God will use this time in my life. I came into this time parched. I know this was a time of replenishment. – NYC
This was absolutely amazing. I loved praying with my group, the Bible study and the conversations in the group about it. … I have grown deeper in my faith and understanding of God - NJ
Yes, I felt that my faith have been even more deeply rooted in Jesus and my walk with God this weekend and I’m very thankful. I would like one of these retreats in my life a few times a year to stay on track, spiritually, all during the year. - NYC
I definitely wanted to see revival before attending, and now I feel I understand more of the tools/requisites involved. - NY
This was very helpful, I feel much more motivated especially for prayer and increasing the consistency of my prayer life. - NYC
I did not know that I was struggling with unforgiveness. However, during the praying for one another session one of my peers prayed for healing of my heart which was confirmed during the prophetic prayer time with Mimi. I thanked God for the revelation and for the grace to confess and repent. I am so grateful to God for moving swiftly and so exacting on this hidden portion of my heart. - NJ
I don’t know what to me most excited about because it’s all amazing. My husband said he feels like I am different since this weekend, and he can tell. Today over lunch, I told him about the weekend and the deliverance prayer. He was so happy for me and for us. Also, my shoulder really feels different. I had recently felt like I was getting arthritis because the irritation had grown to the point that my shoulder ached all day every day … and now all of the irritation is gone. What is left now feels like soreness when recovering from surgery. But it’s totally different and getting better. Most of all, the cause of the irritation is totally gone. I’m just so amazed, and grateful for all of you and the work of the Holy Spirit. - NYC
Really appreciated the teachings around repentance and freedom and revival. Our group had a great dynamic and feel fortunate to have met fellow believers in NYC. What a blessing to be able to gather with believers in NYC and support and encourage each other. - NYC
This was so well-produced that I find it difficult to point out just one part. We had a great hostess, who provided a wonderful setting and atmosphere for our retreat. Leslie is such a blessing and, wow, she is so hospitable. I also felt the effect of the prayer and fasting that occurred before the event. The structure of the daily schedules worked well and I loved the extended periods of time for reading and prayer (though I wouldn’t have been able to start any earlier!). I also appreciated the teachings which were amazing. After this event I feel closer to the Holy Spirit, a nice reset for new routines, and the benefit of deliverance and hearing from God. - NYC
It stirred me to really want to seek the Lord, both for personal renewal and for national revival. - KS
The best part is just taking the time to focus on God. It leaves me encouraged. [Because of this event] I feel more focused on serving. - NJ
My faith has been strengthened and my heart feels reinvigorated to revival- and it was so fun bonding w this group. Most memorable moment was probably just talking about the Holy Spirit and hearing about the different ways people interact with God. I am so much more encouraged in my faith leaving this experience! I can’t wait to step out in faith and listen to the Holy Spirit and see what God wants for me, and feel confident about it. - NYC
It was wonderful and the Lord confirmed his Word throughout the weekend in many ways! Thank you so very much!! - VT
It was very helpful for me. I liked spending uninterrupted, long sections of time praying and reading the Word. I understand fasting better and I expect that will have a big impact. - NY
I really enjoyed the teaching!!!!! I felt I was given very practical tips and steps on unity, evangelism, prayer, fasting and repentance. The talk on God is the Rewarder was very encouraging! Of course it makes me motivated to seek Him. I really enjoyed the group prayer as well! God bonded us in amazing ways though it was the first time we met! The Bible reading and personal prayer was meaningful as well!! I give God so much thanks for this wonderful gift of encouragement!!!! I expect to seek God more and lead others to do so. I so appreciated the sound Biblical doctrine taught in every session!!!! Also it was given without fail in a spirit of humility. - KS
I have a renewed desire to strengthen my faith and a greater hope and vision for revival. My hope is to draw closer to God through prayer and fasting as a routine part of my life. To join with others in prayer and fasting for our nation. - NY
All praise and thanks to You, Lord! Bless each person who attended CU Fire. Keep them strong and growing stronger in You so that they can fulfill Your purposes and bring Your kingdom in our nation. In Jesus' name, amen.
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