The Great Experiment

March 15-28, 2021

We can unite as the Body of Christ to make a difference in the spiritual landscape of our nation. Your own walk with Jesus will be challenged and refreshed. Learn more about the commitment and sign up below!

What people are saying about the Great Experiment:

"I am so thankful God led me to your Great Experiment. It truly has gotten me back on track."
- J. England (Lamar, CO)

"You have encouraged my faith walk in new ways. I have six other women from my church praying with me."
- J. Newton (Ballston Spa, NY)

What is The Great Experiment?

The Great Experiment is a commitment to seek God in extraordinary ways to see what wonderful things He will do.

James 4:8 — “Draw near to God, and he will draw near to you.”

The Great Experiment Commitment

We are trusting God to make His glory known in our lives, communities and nation. We are committing together to the seek the Lord for His divine purposes. In addition to praying fervently, we commit to the following with like-minded friends in Christ. Each participant, whether part of a small group or participating as an individual, commits to the 5 "Rs":

  1. Read & Pray. Spend 30 minutes every morning reading the Bible and praying, and also spend time in the evening doing the same (Luke 18:1-8). To intensify your devotional times, consider fasting for some of the days.    
  2. Repent. Consciously repent every day of all known sin and put away everything that may hinder your devotion to Christ (Hebrews 12:1,2).
  3. Respond to the Holy Spirit. Seek God in the morning for the thing the Holy Spirit most desires for you to do that day, write it down and follow up that day (Psalm 143:10).
  4. Represent Christ. Look to share Christ every day and speak about Christ publicly (Acts 1:8). Write down the names of five people on your heart. Pray for their salvation every day during the Great Experiment. Trust God for opportunities to share Christ with them.
  5. Raise Your Faith. Be bold and courageous in living out your faith (Joshua 1:8,9). Choose from one of the following options for a “Joshua Faith Challenge”: 

1. Host an all-night prayer meeting. Invite friends to come and pray with you for revival in America.

2. Every day, pray for ten friends and family members to come to faith in Christ and look for opportunities to share the gospel with them.

3. Share an evangelistic post on social media every day.

4. Anything else the Lord burdens you to take on that will require courageous faith.

Why The Great Experiment?

The Great Experiment is the boost you need in your walk with Christ. It will re-energize your faith and give you fresh purpose in God. You will see how you can partner with the Holy Spirit to transform your surroundings. We are seeking God for sweeping spiritual transformation in America. How else will transformation come unless we, the people of God, rise up to become the Christian revival that is needed?

We are eager, and so is God, for another history-making move of God’s Spirit. What will He do in our time, if we seek Him with all our hearts? Will you answer the call and join The Great Experiment?

Historical Background

Christian renewal has come in the past as Christians have challenged the spiritual status quo and attended to the basics of being followers of Jesus.

In 1904, the small country of Wales experienced a national revival and impacted several other nations as they focused daily on four simple truths.

  1. Confess all known sin, receiving forgiveness through Jesus Christ
  2. Remove anything in your life that you are in doubt or feel unsure about
  3. Be ready to obey the Holy Spirit instantly
  4. Publicly confess the Lord Jesus Christ

This six-minute video tells the amazing story of the Welsh Revival.

In 1970, a similar effort was carried out by a few devoted students at Asbury University who changed the entire campus and significantly impacted the nation. A one-hour chapel service lasted eight days without ceasing! Churches from around the United States invited Asbury students to tell their congregations what happened. Almost everywhere the students went, a great move of the Spirit accompanied them.

This six-minute video relates the amazing events of the Asbury Revival.

How does The Great Experiment work?

The Great Experiment is something you can do individually, wherever you are. It is even better to participate with a group of others who are doing it with you. Consider inviting some friends and family to be a part of it!

Whether part of a small group or not, each participant commits to fulfill the five commitments of the Great Experiment on a daily basis.

Day and Night will produce video devotionals each day of The Great Experiment to encourage participants, share testimonies, and help us focus our prayers.

Before you go, would you like to spend more time seeking God?

It’s hard to carve out time to sit in God’s presence and learn what He wants to teach us when we are daily bombarded by distraction. That’s why we’ve equipped thousands of Christians like you to seek God and pray for revival to come to our hearts and nation. This free 5-lesson course has 25 daily readings that will rekindle your prayer life.

You’ve demonstrated such a heart for revival, we thought you’d want to know about this opportunity.

Is this course something that interests you?