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You’ve shown such a great commitment to seeing our nation transformed with the Gospel! We know how hard it can be to carve out time to sit in God’s presence when we are daily bombarded by distraction. That’s why we created this free 5-lesson course to help fuel your prayer life. Is this something you would like?
Get my free courseChuck Hetzler, Ph.D., has a diverse background as a biblical scholar, worship leader, and pastor. He served as Christian Union’s first Teaching Fellow at Princeton University and later directed its ministry in New York City. Chuck earned his Ph.D. in New Testament from The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary and currently pastors Bethesda Grace Church in Manhattan.
Will you answer God's call? Right now, He is looking for people. He's looking for individuals — not whole movements, not whole groups. He's looking for individuals who will stand for Him at this time — at all times — but especially at this time. Ezekiel 22:30 says, "I sought for a man," or you can insert a woman, "among them who should build up the wall and stand in the breach before me for the land that I should not destroy it, but I found none." If you're like me, you're praying and you're asking, "God, do something. Do something for America. Bring about revival in America. Oh God, turn us back to you." These are our prayers. But you know what? God is speaking back to us and He's saying, "I am looking for a man. I'm looking for a woman."
Isn't that amazing? He's just looking for one in your community. He's just looking for one. He's not even looking for whole groups of people. He's looking for one individual person. Whether you're great or small in the eyes of your community, whether you're known or unknown, God is looking for one. Will you stand up and be that one? He's looking for a person among them who should build up the wall. He wants to reestablish His safety, His protection, His ways. He's looking for somebody who will speak out for Him, who will act out for Him in his ways of love and of truth. And He's looking for somebody to stand in the breach, in the gap between Him and the land, between Him and your community, between Him and your family, between Him and your loved ones.
Will you stand in the gap? Will you be an intercessor? Will you pray for God's purposes? God, day and night I'm praying, praying for my city, praying for my land, praying for my family, praying for my loved ones, praying for my friends, praying for my coworkers. Will you be the one God is looking ... The Bible says His eyes range to and fro throughout the earth, seeking to strengthen those whose hearts are fully devoted to him. Will you be that one who says, "God, I will take up the call. I will stand. I will build the wall for you, by your grace. Help me Lord to do so. In Jesus' name?"
FREE OFFER: Get the "Seeking God Lifestyle" Bible Course Manual. Download this 67-page, 5-lesson course in PDF format.
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