America is in desperate need of spiritual awakening. Even ten years ago, not everyone agreed with that statement. But now I don’t know a single Christian who feels otherwise.
What are we to do? We must go back to what the Bible teaches and put it to action. We don't need to devise a new scheme and we cannot carry on with business as usual in our prayers, in our Christian lives, and in our church activities. “Business as usual” has put us in the faltering place where we now find ourselves. More dramatic and biblical steps are needed.
The word of God promises us, “Return to me, says the LORD of hosts, and I will return to you, says the LORD of hosts” (Zechariah 1:3).
What does it look like for us to return to the Lord? Part of what it means is that we spend days at a time coming before God, fasting, confessing our sins, seeking His face in prayer. Something more than the status quo is required.
Christian Union Day and Night supports Christians across the nation to fast twice each year, at the beginning of the calendar year and the beginning of the academic year. You can put God’s word to action and unite with the Body of Christ to seek God for a great work of His Spirit in our nation
Monday, August 16 – Sunday, August 29, 2021, will be a 14-day fast to humble ourselves and seek God earnestly. Sign-up now for the fast at

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You’ve shown such a great commitment to seeing our nation transformed with the Gospel! We know how hard it can be to carve out time to sit in God’s presence when we are daily bombarded by distraction. That’s why we created this free 5-lesson course to help fuel your prayer life. Is this something you would like?
Get my free courseThe theme of this particular fast will be repentance, primarily for us as Christians. You can take part for some or all of the two weeks to pray and fast. God will surely exalt us as we humble ourselves. Invite your family, friends, and local church to join. Everyone who signs up at the website will receive a daily email devotional each day of the fast.
Each participant can fast as he or she chooses throughout the 14 days. Some may only eat one meal per day. Others may only drink fluids during the time. If this is your first time fasting, maybe you will only fast during certain days of the two week period. If medical conditions keep you from fasting, you can still join in this time of seeking God through prayer and humbling yourself in other ways.
Do we think that Jesus needed to fast 40 days, but not us? Do we think that the apostles and early Christians needed to wait on God for ten days and at other times of prayer and fasting (e.g., Acts 13:1-3), but not us? Do we think that it was only for Nehemiah, Daniel, Ezra, Esther, and Moses? Do we imagine that such consecration was only needed for Americans in the 1700s or the 1800s who earnestly sought God for awakening? Do we think that we’re exempt from having to pay the price to seek God to revive His work in our generation?
Let’s have faith that God will do what He’s done for all those in the past who humble themselves, forego food for a period of time, pray fervently, seek His face, and turn from their wicked ways. And let’s put our faith to action.
God is faithful. He will work in us that which is pleasing to Him.
FREE OFFER: Get the "Seeking God Lifestyle" Bible Course Manual. Download this 67-page, 5-lesson course in PDF format.
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