Wednesday, January 29
Devotional for Day 10
He shall seduce with flattery those who violate the covenant,
but the people who know their God shall stand firm and take action.
- Daniel 11:32
This passage refers to Antiochus IV who dominated Judah for a period in the 2nd century BC, forbidding Jews to worship God as the law prescribes, and desecrating the temple. All who refused were put to death. It was an incredibly difficult and dark time for those who loved the LORD and sought to be faithful to Him. America has had its ups and downs spiritually but has never seen anything like what the Jews experienced at that time, and there’s no guarantee that this won’t happen in America at some point. This is why we fast! To seek favor, forgiveness, and blessing from God so that He will have mercy on the nation and bring increased freedom and blessing.
Christians must know their God. To be Christian in name alone is not enough. Through a thorough reading of the Scriptures and direct experiences with God Himself, Christians are to eagerly learn the ways of God and know what He’s like. Like all things that are worthwhile, it takes effort, sacrifice, and sustained effort. He is worth it! Nothing is better than knowing the everlasting God.
Christians shall stand firm. As pressure comes against Christians, and because they know God very well, they will be able to resist the ways of the world, refusing to succumb to its demands. They will not adopt the world’s ways regarding sexuality, passivity, and greed. Because of their internal strength, the world shall not seduce them into its ways of thinking.
Christians shall take action. More than just standing, and resisting the temptations of the world, Christians have the faith and spiritual armor to take action for God’s purposes. They pray and fast continually; they share the gospel with loved ones and their city; they proclaim God’s righteous ways in all the social spheres of society.
Truly, Christians are overcomers — brave men and women of faith who love God in the face of the most difficult circumstances. What could be a better testimony to the world, than God’s loving followers who are faithful to Him no matter the cost? It’s a supernatural love that brings great pleasure to the heart of God.
He will give you strength to be faithful to Him! During this ten-day fast He has been fortifying you and giving your prayers special weight. He will bless you and take you to a new level because of your faithfulness and zeal in seeking His face.
It’s been a pleasure to seek the Lord with you at this time.
Dear God, may all participating in the fast be undefiled and fully strengthened in You for every good purpose You have for them in the future.
Yours in Christ,
Matt Bennett
Founder and CEO, Christian Union
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