Welcome to another day of The Great Experiment, November 1st through the 10th, 2019. We're so glad that you're taking part in these ten days of earnestly seeking God.
I encourage you today to keep pressing in, to know the Lord more. He has so much more for you in Him. That was one of the concepts that was really important for me a few years ago in my own personal life. To realize that my relationship with God was not a static relationship, but a dynamic one. This idea is true, not just for us personally, but it's true for us corporately as Christians.
The theme verse, if there is just one theme verse perhaps for Christian Union Day and Night, might be James 4:8. It says, "Draw near to God, and he will draw near to you." This is a promise that James wrote to Christians, to people like you and me. These Christians that, James was writing to, were not experiencing the kinds of works of God that they should have. They were not one of the churches in the New Testament that we envy so much today. They were maybe more like our church.
In James 4, it says that there was jealousy. That there was disunity. That God wasn't answering their prayers. That they weren't very prayerful in the first place. There were a lot of problems. Yet James gives them this promise, that as they humble themselves and submit to God...That as they draw near to God, God will draw near to them.
God's already with us as Christians. We know He loves us. Jesus promises His Holy Spirit to those of us who call on His name. But we want the nearer presence of God. Where He's so present that you know it. That He's changing your life. That He's giving power to your words. People can just tell that God's with you, and you're with Him. That's the kind of nearness of God's presence that we need in our lives in order to make the impact into this nation that is needed at this hour.
I encourage you, as you're drawing close to God, look for Him to draw close to you. He will change your life. He will transform you even more. You might say, "I've been a Christian for a while, and I've seen my life go from what it was before Christ to what it is now." I'm telling you, and God's word is telling you, if you'll draw closer to Him, He'll draw even closer to you.
It's yet to be seen how powerful a Christian's life can be. So I just say every day, "Lord, what's going to happen today? How can I draw closer to You? How can I experience You more in my life today?" May that be the mindset that we all have. To keep pressing on to know the Lord, and to gain Christ.
So bless you. Thanks so much again for taking part in this Great Experiment. Tell your friends and family. Live for Christ with all the boldness, by the power of His Spirit today. In Jesus' name, may you be blessed.
Here is your guide for the “Five Rs” of The Great Experiment, November 1-10, 2019.
1. Read and Pray
Spend 30 minutes every morning reading the Bible and praying, and also spend time in the evening doing the same. To intensify your devotional times, consider fasting for some of the days. We have created a daily 30-minute devotional that you can use.
2. Repent.
What sins do I need to repent of today? What hindrances to my devotion to Christ can I remove today?
3. Respond to the Holy Spirit.
Holy Spirit, what is the one thing you most want me to do today? (Write it down, and do it today).
4. Represent Christ.
How will I bear witness to Christ today? With whom shall I share the Gospel today?
5. Raise Your Faith.
Be bold and courageous in living out your faith. Choose from one of the following options for a “Joshua Faith Challenge”:
- Host an all-night prayer meeting. Set a date during November 1-10 and invite friends to come and pray with you for revival in America.
- Every day, pray for ten friends and family members to come to faith in Christ and look for opportunities to share the gospel with them.
- Share an evangelistic post on social media every day from November 1-10.
- Anything else the Lord burdens you to take on that will require courageous faith.
FREE OFFER: Get the "Seeking God Lifestyle" Bible Course Manual. Download this 67-page, 5-lesson course in PDF format.
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