Why Fast?
Fasting was practiced in the Old Testament, New Testament and in church history to entreat God for Him to move in extraordinary ways. We need God in the U.S. now more than ever.
Moses fasted 40 days, Nehemiah fasted 120 days, and large numbers of Jews in Esther's time fasted for 70 days in their time of need.
2 Chronicles 7:14 says that when humble ourselves and confess our sins, God intervenes in history to heal our land. In Psalm 35:13 King David humbled himself through fasting and many others in the Scriptures have done the same to gain favor from God. Moses fasted 40 days, Nehemiah fasted 120 days, and large numbers of Jews in Esther’s time fasted for 70 days in their time of need. Thousands of Americans humbling themselves through an extended fast will be very meaningful to God and will help move Him to bring change to the U.S.
How to Fast
The fast lasts for 40 days, beginning Monday, February 13th, 2017 through Friday, March 24th. Those who have signed up will receive daily encouragement emails during the fast.
You may choose to fast the entire 40 days liquids only, or the entire 40 days one meal per day, or perhaps fast one meal per day. However God leads you, we are thrilled to have you be a part.
Don't be afraid to take on this biblical challenge to draw closer to God and see Him exalt those who humble themselves through fasting.
If you don’t have a lot of experience fasting, this may be a challenging endeavor to face. Christians throughout the centuries have sought God through fasting and have found Him in wonderful ways as a result. Don’t be afraid to take on this biblical challenge to draw closer to God and see Him exalt those who humble themselves through fasting.
Fasting Resources
Fasting helps the Christian draw close to God, although American Christians are often unfamiliar with the practice. For more information check out this FAQ for Fasting and this curated list of resources.